My name is Deborah Sophia Leist. I was born in the year 1987 and have been a blessed mother since 2021.

My studies took me to the Sports University and the University of Cologne, where I studied Sports and Philosophy. The unity of body and mind has been accompanying me for a long time in my life. In the year 2010, I went to New York City for a study-abroad year, where I completed a dance program. It was there that my spiritual journey began, and I got to know many different healing methods. In my professional career, I have worked in various fields as an artistic assistant, dancer, life assistant, dance teacher, as well as a Sports and Philosophy teacher at a comprehensive school.

Since 2018, I have been practicing what is known as Energy Work and I am a certified healer and reader in training. I received my training at the Institute for Intuition Training, led by Alexandra Sorgenicht in Cologne. There, I was reminded of how to perceive, read, and direct energy, and above all, the importance of connecting on a soul level.

Currently, I am on parental leave and offer a "Beschwingt mit Baby" (Joyful with Baby) Mama-Child dance course at the Evangelische Familienbildungstätte in Cologne. Every mom with her child is warmly welcome.

I am looking forward to getting to know you.

The energy that brings success in your life.